There are four possible communication styles according to
the quiz: demonstrators, assertors,
contemplators and narrators. My
result places my dominant communication style to be a narrator, followed closely by being a demonstrator. I think that I am a mix of both.
Both styles are
people oriented but vary in such a way that demonstrator are fast paced while
narrators are slow paced and indirect.
My communication style changes depending on the people and
the situation that I am dealing with. If I am comfortable with the people I am
with, like my friends or a social situation that I feel I need to be
responsible for, I am usually a demonstrator. But in other settings like in school,
I lean more towards being a narrator.
If I will base it on the traits on how to recognize
communication style, contradicting with my test result, I fit more on the
profile of the demonstrator. I think this is because that side of me is much
more used on the social context and I am more used to situations that calls for
this style of communication.
To further assess myself, I decided to compare both styles
to my own personality. According to the list demonstrators are somewhat disorganized. Admittedly, I was never an
organized person when it comes to my belongings and my personal life. But there
are specific things that I am really anal about like when I am planning things
that I consider of importance (to me, that is. Not necessarily to other people
in general).
Demonstrators according to the description also have trouble
being on time and keeping track of detail. If I would base it on my performance
in class, this would hold true to me because I am perpetually late and I always
forget where our classroom is. When it comes to the dress code, demonstrators
wear bright colors. Although loud colors are not my style in general, I often
wear items that are too flamboyant to fit in the narrator’s casual and simple
get up. So I think I still fit into the demonstrator’s mold in terms of
I am not fully aware of my sitting position most of the time
but I guess it also depends on where I am. I do not, however, fit in the
description that says demonstrators take initiative in the conversation. I, as
much as possible, would like to avert conversations that I do not find
necessary. I find small talk really awkward. I avoid them at all costs. But
when it is with people I feel easy around with, like in the demonstrator’s
description, I laugh easily and loudly. I am also am more fun and easily talk
about myself.
On the side of being a narrator however, where I scored the
highest, being very accommodating and helpful are traits that only come up when
I’m not really at home in the environment I am in such as amidst strangers.
Narrators like to both talk and listen. I am more into the listening side
because as I have said, I find it awkward to talk especially to people I am not
really close to. I have this side to me that is naturally socially awkward. I
don’t have pictures of my family nor do I laugh to be polite however. Actually,
I have a very dry sense of humor when I’m not really set up in the mood for
being fun and crazy. But what holds true to me most is showing gratitude
easily. I am the kind of person to say ‘thank you’ endlessly.
Although I am not entirely convinced with this assessment, I
am thankful that I am classified as a narrator because one of the professions
in the list compatible with it is teaching. If this is true, I am on the right
track then.
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